Randal Wiedemann

Position: President
Professional Experience: Over 40 Years
Education: B.S. / University of Colorado / Marketing / 1975 M.B.A. / University of Cincinnati / Masters of Business Administration / 1979
Randal Wiedemann, MBA
As President of R.A. Wiedemann & Associates, Mr. Wiedemann concentrates his efforts in physical and economic planning areas with emphasis on airport business plans, airline service and marketing programs, economic impact analysis, military joint use and reuse studies, airport master planning, airport management services, environmental assessments, and aviation systems planning. Mr. Wiedemann has participated in and directed numerous air service studies, airport master plans, airport system plans, air cargo studies, management studies, economic impact studies, environmental assessments, financial studies, and airspace utilization evaluations. Mr. Wiedemann’s technical areas of expertise include public information program coordination and direction, aviation demand forecasting, airport capacity determination, airport layout and Part 77 planning, economic impact analyses and financial planning, land use and noise analyses, and the identification and evaluation of airport alternatives.
Mr. Wiedemann is one of the most experienced airport business planners in the nation, participating in the development of more than 70 airport business plans since 2000. These plans have been for a diverse set of airports. Both general aviation and air carrier airports have been included in the list of successful business planning projects. Examples include Plattsburgh (NY), New Braunfels (TX), Fort Smith (AR), Rutland (VT), Adirondack (NY), New Castle (DE), Sussex County (DE), Morehead (KY), Genesee County (NY), Summit Airport (DE), Oswego County (NY), Montpelier (VT), Palo Alto (CA), East Hampton (NY), Mid-Ohio Valley Regional (WV), Brookhaven, (NY), Millington (TN), Denton (TX), Suffolk County (NY), Maury County (TN), Lee’s Summit (MO), Canandaigua (NY), Bennington (VT), Decatur (IL), Dansville (NY), Somerset (KY), and many others.