We've built a reputation for high quality, insightful, and objective work.
Lakeland Linder International Testimonial
Planning withResults
Learn how the planning services of R.A. Wiedemann & Associates lead to Amazon Air building an air cargo facility and adding $3 million per year to Airport revenues.
Our Areas of Focus
We employ national and international experts who specialize in a variety of aviation specific disciplines. This specialized expertise can be brought to bear on projects ranging from small general aviation airports to national aviation system plans.
Strategic Business Plans
Designed to improve an airport’s financial performance, economic development, and operation.
Economic Impact
Examines the direct, indirect, and induced impacts associated with airport development and improvement.
Airport Marketing
Effectively communicate the merits of your aviation products, services and vision.
Video Production
Broadcast results of a study, spearhead a public participation program, or market an airport or service.
Public Programs
Communicate and educate the general public as well as state and local decision makers the benefits of your airport.
Air Service Studies
A detailed examination of the required quality of present and future air carrier service.
Airport Master Plans
Designed to improve an airport’s financial performance, economic development, and operation.
Environmental Studies
Ensure that the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is uniformly administered at eligible airports.
System Planning
Define the number and mix of airport types to meet forecast air service needs of a community, region or state.