Environmental Studies
The NEPA Process
Environmental Studies
Environmental Assessments for airports are administered by the Federal Aviation Administration as the lead federal agency. The purpose of these studies is to ensure that the National Environmental Policy Act, 1969 (NEPA) is uniformly administered for all Federal actions at eligible airports.
The NEPA process addresses impacts of Federal actions on the human environment, including noise, socioeconomic, land uses, air quality, and water quality. NEPA provides a means for assuring that environmental concerns and interests of the public, Federal, State, or local agencies, and Tribes are appropriately considered as part of the decision making process. NEPA also provides a means for efficiently complying with related statutes, orders, and regulations.
Effective, efficient, and timely environmental analyses, public involvement, and interagency and intergovernmental coordination depend upon determining the appropriate level of review early in planning, budgeting, and scheduling. A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) is the desired outcome for clients with development pending environmental analyses.