New Castle Airport Business Plan Update

R.A. Wiedemann & Associates was selected to perform a new airport business plan for New Castle Airport (ILG) in Wilmington, DE. ILG is the premier business airport in the region with more than 60 based business jets. The Airport is home to Dassault Aviation, Atlantic Aviation, Fly Advanced, Dumont, DuPont, and many other significant tenants.
The business plan recognized the need to retain the largest clients on the Airport and find ways to encourage their organic growth.
With only six years remaining on the Dassault lease, many other airports would like to lure them off ILG. With new communication efforts, the consultant identified several growth strategies that could improve working relationships between the tenants and DRBA.
In addition, more than $50 million in potential tenant capital investment was identified. Using the decision tree information, along with a ranking of strategic factors, the Business Plan placed DRBA in a position to make key decisions and set policy initiatives which would ensure growth and the retention of key tenants for the future of ILG.