R.A. Wiedemann & Associates, Inc. was selected to perform an Airport Business Plan and Feasibility Study for the Palo Alto Airport. In this regard, the County of Santa Clara operated the Airport under a long-term lease from the City of Palo Alto.

The City of Palo Alto was considering an early end to the lease, but wanted to examine if operating the Airport created any significant liabilities.

The City was concerned about management structure, operating costs and revenues, and physical maintenance requirements. With 470 based aircraft and less than 2,500 feet of runway, the facility was located on 102 acres and had an FAA Air Traffic Control Tower.

The Business Plan provided the City with a plan that demonstrated the feasibility of various operating strategies and the costs and benefits of each. In addition, the economic impact of the Airport was desired as an output. Because environmental constraints were significant toward any expansion of the facility, maximizing revenues had to be accomplished within the existing footprint of the Airport.

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