R.A. Wiedemann & Associates, Inc., performed an Airport Business Plan for Schenectady County Airport in 2008. The need for a business plan at Schenectady County Airport was precipitated by a desire on the part of the County to identify any additional operational, policy, or economic development strategies that could increase the benefit of the Airport to the County and Airport users.
The Business Plan addressed the Airport’s competitive setting, the ability of the Airport to support two FBOs, the desire of the Sponsor to examine renewal lease terms for the existing FBO, the potential for non-aeronautical revenue development at the Airport, the retention of the New York Air National Guard mission at the Airport, the potential for hangar development, and a number of other facility-related issues.
The Business Plan set forth a recommended plan of action for the County to follow, which rested conceptually on five primary strategic initiatives:
- The Continued Recruitment of Activity
- FBO Development and Expansion
- Branding, Marketing, and Promotion
- Non-Aviation Development on Airport Property
- Retention and Contingency Strategies for the Stratton Air National Guard Base